The members of TEAM SUPERHERO have been selected! We received over a hundred applications and the choice was tough. The Super Crew was finally able to narrow the list down to select the runners that we felt had the best superhero powers.
As part of TEAM SUPERHERO, the responsibilities are to:
- Complete at least 10 endurance events during the year.
- Spread the word about Superhero Events through social media. Blog, Facebook, Tweet, and Instragram about all of our events. Interact with social media involving Superhero Events by commenting, “liking:” and retweeting postings from others.
- Write one related post a week through social media about Superhero Events. Use the #hashtag and @symbols: #superheroevents, #hollywoodhalf, #costumepartyrun, #awesome80srun, @SuperheroEvents, @HollywoodHalf, @CostumePartyRun, @Awesome80sRun
- Distribute flyers in their hometown (local running stores, running groups, local races, etc.)
- Inspire others through your race reports and photos.
- Volunteer at a minimum of four Superhero related events a year.
- Wear Team Superhero gear at other races and race related events.
A big introduction to our TEAM SUPERHERO members:
Alex Ramoran Kiley Majeski
Alisa Barraza Laura Gonzalez
Amanda Daley Lauren Espinoza
Angelica M Garcia Lorrie Mancillas
Ann Stenick Lulu Carter
Anthony Flores Mark Jones
BustA Groove (aka Maria Crawford) Mary Fasang
Charlene Ragsdale Megan Preovolos
Chris Ayangco Michael Agyin
Cindy Brough Misty Diaz
Coni Constantine Pam Medhurst
Dee Dee Urquhart Ray De Anda
Flor Ulloa Robert Manon
Frank Garcia Rodrigo Ortiz
Gabby Rodriguez Rolena Alvarado
Gregg Condon Rudy Carrasquillo
Gwendolyn Chapin Sabrina Nwadike
Jackie Cardenas Luevanos Sonia Avila
Jackie Martinez Sophia Lontayo
Jason Burgess Terri Perez
Jeffrey Lemberger Tim Lumpkin
Jennifer Stock Sprow Tony Nguyen
Jenny Ison Wanland Tyler Lucas
Jett Dunlap Tysen Lucas
Jimmy Nguyen Wendy Cerrato
Joe Spatafore Whitney Shepherd
Kelley Tenny Wilmer Javier Cerrato
Ken Nwadike Tiffiny Hargrave
Watch your local running events, Facebook updates, Tweets, Instragram pictures and Team Superhero jerseys to spot a member of the team! Go Team Superhero!
Any questions and comments about Team Superhero can be directed to the team manager Kelley Tenny at
Congrats to all who were selected!