Monday, April 8, 2013

Staying Motivated Until We Meet Again

After having made such a big accomplishment Saturday, you may be wondering what's next. Maybe you run all the time and this race was just part of your routine. Or maybe you trained long and hard for this event, making crossing the finish line that much sweeter.

What keeps you running?
Whatever you see in your running future, it is important to stay motivated. Now that you have established a fitness base, you should be able to maintain it by running three days a week.  Try running three to five miles on two of those days and use the third day to challenge your distance. This will help you increase your distance to a longer event or, if you completed the half marathon, help you maintain your mileage. 

Think about signing up for another race.  We love those of you that have already signed up for next year's Hollywood Half Marathon (and if you haven't yet, you can register here,) but it is a year away. It is common for runners to use this as a strategy to keep them motivated. If you feel a little unmotivated, think about doing another type of race such as a challenge course or mud run, or sign up for a different distance.  Perhaps after running our 5K, a 10K sounds like a motivating goal. Maybe after just completing a half, another one sounds like too much.  Why not look for a 5K fun run in your local area.

Cross-training is also a good option.  Mixing biking, walking, or swimming will help give you variety but allow you to maintain your fitness level. And when in doubt, grab a buddy.  There is nothing like a partner in crime to keep you going. 

We are looking forward to our next event, The Costume Party Run, and hope to see you all out in full force.  Whether this is your next race or you have a few in between, don't let your hard work die.  Be sure to keep up the running and stay motivated until we meet again!

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